MySQL Database Monitoring Configuration
DB User Permissions
Create a new user and grant them 'SELECT', 'SHOW DATABASES' and 'SHOW VIEW' permissions.
Step 1: Install Applicare SingleAgent in the machine where MySQL database is running by following the provided installation steps.
Step 2: Select the newly added agent and click the Edit button.
Step 3: Check the "Add Database Configuration" checkbox, choose "MySQL" from the Database dropdown, and Select your MySQL server version from the Version dropdown. If the version is not listed in the dropdown then select the most recent version available.
Step 4: Enter the JDBC URL, Username and Password then click the update button. Ensure that the user has the DBA role.
Checking the Test Connection option is not mandatory. This test verifies the connection from controller machine to the agent machine.
Syntax: jdbc:mysql://[ip]:[port]/[database]
Eg: jdbc:mysql://
If you don't see the database metrics on the Applicare dashboard after completing the above steps then validate Mysql settings for monitoring.
If the connection string is correct and the performance schema is enabled but data is still not being displayed follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the previously configured database monitoring agent and click the Edit button.
Step 2: Enable the MySQL Alternate Profiling checkbox and click the Update button.
Refer here to view Other databases monitoring configuration.
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