Update Applicare controller and agents
Applicare Controller
Follow the below steps to update Applicare controller:
1. Stop the Applicare controller.
2. Make a backup of your current <Applicare Installation Dir>.
3. Place update.jar in the <Applicare Installation Dir>/tmp/updates/ folder. You may have to create this directory if it does not exist.
4. Run <Applicare Installation Dir>/scripts/runUpdate.bat.
5. Make sure to adjust any custom memory settings/any other settings in <Applicare Installation Dir>/server/bin/catalina.bat and <Applicare Installation Dir>/server/conf/server.xml files. This is overwritten during Applicare update and any customization done by you will be lost after the update.
6. Start the applicare controller and login in and verify the Applicare version details in the Applicare Information screen.
After updating the controller go to applicare_home_dir/scripts/setAdminEnv.bat and replace the below content after "set ARCTURUS_HOME" line.
set JAVA_OPTS=-noverify -Darcturus_home=%ARCTURUS_HOME% -Dspring.profiles.active=nosaml
if "%JAVA_VENDOR%"=="Oracle" (
set JAVA_OPTS=-verbose:gc -Xloggc:%SERVER_NAME%.gc %JAVA_OPTS%
if "%APPLICAREDB%"=="Derby" (
echo Starting Derby...
start "Derby" cmd /c %ARCTURUS_HOME%\javadb\bin\startNetworkServer.bat
Applicare Agent
From Applicare Agents
Refer here - https://helpdesk.arcturustech.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407870525069-Update-Agents
From Applicare Agents older than
For Java 6.
1. Login into Applicare console and download the websphere agent in download agent menu and copy to the agent machine.
2. Login into websphere console and Undeploy the applicare_agent.war file in websphere.
3. Down the websphere agent.
4. Take a backup of old agent folder.
5. Delete the contents inside the existing agent home path.
6. Extract the copied websphere agent "agent_Websphere.zip" file to the existing agent home path.
7. Provide the read and write and executable permissions to the agent home directory.
8. Start the websphere agent.
9. Login into websphere console and deploy the new applicare_agent.war file and start it.
For Java 7 and above.
1. Login into Applicare console and download the SingleAgentLinux in download agent menu and copy to the agent machine.
2. Login into websphere console and Undeploy the applicare_agent.war file in websphere.
3. Select the "server"and go to Java and Process management -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine.
4. Check the "-noverify" flag is added in the "Generic JVM arguments". If it is not available add that flag initially before the "-javaagent" argument.
5. Down the websphere agent.
6. Take a backup of old agent folder.
7. Delete the contents inside the existing agent home path.
8. Extract the copied "SingleAgentLinux .zip" file to the existing agent home path.
9. Provide the read and write and executable permissions to the agent home directory.
10. Start the websphere agent.
Apache (or) Http
Required: Java 8
1. Login into Applicare console and download the SingleAgentLinux in download agent menu and copy to the agent machine.
2. Down the Applicare Apcahe (or) Http agent.
3. Take a backup of old agent folder.
4. Delete the contents inside the existing agent home path.
5. Extract the copied "SingleAgentLinux.zip" file to the existing agent home path.
6. Provide the read and write and executable permissions to the agent home directory.
7. Edit the "startAgent.sh" file and replace the "SERVER_NAME" argument with the existing server name and save the file.
8. Set the correct JAVA_HOME.
9. Start the startAgent.sh file.
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