Email/Smtp configuration in applicare
To send email and Alert configuration from applicare, we need to configure SMTP server details in SMTP & ADMINISTRATOR CONFIGURATION dashboard.
In Applicare dashboard, go to top menu on right and click on Configure Email/SMTP Server under Applicare Configuration section.
In SMTP & ADMINISTRATOR CONFIGURATION dashboard, enter SMTP server details.
SMTP Host Name - Outgoing mail server name. Most often
SMTP Port - The port number your incoming mail server uses.
SSL - Is your email encrypted using SSL.
User ID - The email address you want to set up.
Password - The password associated with your email account. xxxxxx
Confirm Password - Re-enter the password associated with your email account. xxxxxx
Mail From - Re-enter the email address you want to set up.
Admin User:
Email - Email ids to which all the emails will be sent. We can add multiple email ids with comma separated values.
First Name & Last Name - We can give any name.
Below is an example for Gmail SMTP server.
After entered the details, click on Send Test Email button to verify the configuration.
Once the entered details are verified, click on Save button to save the changes.
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