Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Monitoring with Applicare
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) monitoring setup process
1. To enable server-status and custom log modules in Oracle HTTP Server (OHS). Go to <OHSInstanceHomeDir> and edit httpd.conf file and add the below configuration at the end of the file.
For Oracle Http Server versions less than or equal to 11:
LoadModule status_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"
LoadModule log_config_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"
LoadModule unique_id_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"
LoadModule setenvif_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"
LoadModule headers_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/"
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ExtendedStatus On
SetEnvIFNoCase Request_URI "^/server-status/pingFromApplicare" dontlog
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^/applicare_agent/*" dontlog
SetEnvIf _ap_trace_id ^[a-zA-Z0-9].* HAVE_AP_ID
RequestHeader set _ap_trace_id "%{UNIQUE_ID}e" env=!HAVE_AP_ID
RequestHeader set _ap_apache_id "Apache"
CustomLog "|'<RotaleLogPath>' '${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/newlogfolder/apl_log' 60" "%t %h %s %B %D %U :%{_ap_trace_id}i" env=!dontlog
For Oracle Http Server versions greater than or equal to 12:
LoadModule status_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"
LoadModule log_config_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"
LoadModule unique_id_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"
LoadModule setenvif_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"
LoadModule headers_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/"
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require all granted
ExtendedStatus On
SetEnvIFNoCase Request_URI "^/server-status/pingFromApplicare" dontlog
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^/applicare_agent/*" dontlog
SetEnvIf _ap_trace_id ^[a-zA-Z0-9].* HAVE_AP_ID
RequestHeader set _ap_trace_id "%{UNIQUE_ID}e" env=!HAVE_AP_ID
RequestHeader set _ap_apache_id "ORACLE"
CustomLog "||'<RotaleLogPath>' -n 1440 '${PRODUCT_HOME}/newlogfolder/apl_log' 60" "%t %h %s %B %D %U :%{_ap_trace_id}i" env=!dontlog
2. Create a newlogfolder directory inside the <OHSInstanceHomeDir>/ohs directory.
3. Execute the command "which rotate logs" or "sudo which rotate logs" and replace the value in the place of <RotaleLogPath> in the httpd.conf file.
4. Restart Oracle HTTP Server (OHS).
5. To check the configuration is working correctly enter the below line in the browser address bar and hit enter.
- URL: <hostaddress>:<portno>/server-status
Note: Replace the <hostaddress> with your OHS server IP address and <portno> with your OHS server port no.
- For Example: <hostaddress> is ‘’ and <portno> is ‘7777’
- URL:
We can see the OHS server-status details as below
6. Install and start the SingleAgent using the below link
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