Applicare SingleAgent deployment on Tomcat Sample Application - Windows
1. Login into Applicare console, go to Download Agents screen and download SingleAgentWindows and Demo Tomcat Server and copy both the files to C drive.
2. Unzip the file to ApplicareSingleAgentWindows directory and unzip the file to apache-tomcat directory.
3. Go to apache-tomcat\bin directory and add the following line to the catalina.bat file below the set setlocal line. Replace the ApplicareSingleAgentWindows_Home_Path with the actual path.
call <ApplicareSingleAgentWindows_Home_Path>\scripts\setTomcatAgentEnv.bat
call C:\ApplicareSingleAgentWindows\scripts\setTomcatAgentEnv.bat
4. Open Command window in administrator mode in apache-tomcat\bin directory and execute startup.bat file.
URL to access the sample application http://localhost:8080/JPetStore/
1. If we are going to copy the apache-tomcat to different directory then we need to change the url path in the context.xml file in the apache-tomcat/conf directory.
2. If we are going to copy the ApplicareSingleAgentWindows to different directory then we need to provide the right path in the apache-tomcat\bin\catalina.bat on the call script.
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