The Docker container must have the following packages installed for monitoring.
procps, net-tools, iotop and sysstat
To install packages inside a Docker container
Enter the Docker containers and install the packages one at a time.
If you encounter an Unable to locate package error, run the command apt-get update for Debian /Ubuntu or yum update for CentOS or RHEL. After updating, install the packages individually.
On Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint
apt-get install procps
apt-get install net-tools
apt-get install iotop
apt-get install sysstat
On RedHat, CentOS and Fedora
yum install procps
yum install net-tools
yum install iotop
yum install sysstat
On Fedora 22+ Releases
dnf install procps
dnf install net-tools
dnf install iotop
dnf install sysstat
For HTTP Monitoring
1. Open the Docker desktop, and go to settings, and enable the "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS" option and restart the docker desktop.
For HTTP Monitoring
1. Open the "docker.service" file and change the "ExecStart=" line to the below one
ExecStart=<dockerdpath> -H fd:// -H tcp://<docker_installed_ip>:<docker_running_port>
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp://
2. Run the command "systemctl daemon-reload" and then restart the "docker.service".
Applicare Controller
1. Log in to Applicare Console and navigate to the Overview screen, and click the Add button.
2. Enter the required details and save.
a. Input the Server IP
b. Enable the Is Docker agent option.
c. Enter the HTTP Daemon Port
d. Click the "Apply" button.
3. All running containers will be added as agents, any new containers that start will be automatically added as new agent.
4. After adding the containers, navigate to the Server Analyzer screen and check the metrics.
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