Applicare Home
The Applicare home page displays the health and performance of the monitored applications. At top is the application selector, time selector, transactions score card and servers health status.
The application selector dropdown in the top right allows selection of an application to focus the scope of the analyzers. A server is assigned to an application at the time of adding it to Applicare. Application assignments can be managed from 'Overview' tab -> servers. A double click on an existing server allows editing the assigned application. Adding a server to an application allows grouping of data.
The time period selection on the top bar lets you narrow the focus to a specific time range.
The Business Transactions & Servers Health shows the data for the selected application or all applications if 'All' is selected in application selection dropdown on left.
Below the top scorecards and selectors are various tabs that provide visibility into different aspects of the enterprise applications.
Enterprise Overview Dashboard
The Enterprise Dashboard provides a quick overview of the health of enterprise applications. It displays the average response time, business transactions, business transaction's load, success/errors, page load performance and health of monitored servers.
The Enterprise Dashboard offers a convenient to way identify performance issues and drill down into the details as needed:
- Increase in average response time (ART) for applications
- Business transactions: load, success rates, failures
- Page Load Performance: to show the user's experience from around the globe
- Servers Issues: becoming slow or going down
On the Enterprise Dashboard, the top table allows you to select an application. Double-clicking an application table switches to the 'Transaction Flow' tab, which displays the flow and performance at each leg of the application.
What is the average response time for the app and how does it vary across each participating server?
Select the bar indicating an increase in ART and it will display a list of servers in the selected app along with their respective ARTs, making easy to identify any server/s has/have slowed down.
Which business transactions are being invoked, and what is their performance?
The Business Transactions Health section displays load, success rates and errors and provides the option to drill into detailed information.
Where are the users located, and how is their experience with app?
Performance by Country/City provides insights into end user's experience with the selected application, including average app server response times, network latency, and browser's page rendering times. It also allows drill down to 'User Experience' tab for detailed information on individual slow transactions.
What servers are currently slow or have experienced downtime?
How is my application doing in terms of capacity?
The Enterprise Dashboard offers a clear view of an application's performance with respect to CPU, memory and heap usage. The three charts in the bottom right display cumulative usage by all servers within the selected application. i.e. in the JPetStore application shown below, the three servers each use 6% CPU, 26% memory, and 51% heap.
What is the transaction flow of my app and where are the errors occurring?
In the Enterprise dashboard, the Network Connections section displays the connections made by application's member servers. Clicking on server name hyperlink in bottom left table will provide detailed information about these connections, including their endpoints and current state.
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