The GC Analyzer offers a quick and easy way to examine your server's garbage collector performance. This tool enables you to swiftly identify garbage collection issues and adjust GC parameters, enhancing performance and reducing application latency.
The GC Analyzer is available exclusively on Sun JVMs and requires that verbose GC logging be enabled on the JVM.
Applicare automatically adds the following argument to enable verbose GC:
-verbosegc -Xloggc:%SERVER_NAME%.gc
Currently, the use of the -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution flag is not supported and will prevent Applicare from accessing the GC log file.
Summary View
The summary tab provides an overview of Full and Young GC cycles that have occurred throughout the JVM's lifetime. A key value to watch is the Overhead (%) displayed in the table.
Detailed Charts
The GC Analyzer features various charts that visually represent different aspects of Garbage collection cycles.
Timeline Tab - Provides a visual representation of each GC cycle over time, offering a clear view of the type of GC cycle and then duration it took.
Heap Tab - Displays a graph of heap size at the end of each GC cycle, tracking changes over time.
Object Creation Rate Tab - This graph shows the total size of objects created between each GC cycle.
Cumulative Allocation Tab - Displays the total cumulative size of objects created over time.
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