Service packs (patches) are minor incremental updates or bug fixes that provide incremental improvements.
Step 1: Create a backup of the applicare.war file.
Step 2: Stop Applicare server and delete the directory: <Applicare-Home>/server/webapps/applicare
Don't delete <Applicare-Home>/server/webapps/applicare.war, as this will prevent the service pack from working correctly.
Step 3: create the directory <Applicare-Home>/sp if it doesn't already exist. If there are any files in <Arcturus-Home>/sp, delete them.
Step 4: Extract the files from and copy them to <Applicare-Home>/sp
Step 5: Open command prompt in administrator mode and go to the <Applicare-Home> path and run the patch using the following command.
java -Darcturus_home=<PATH_TO_APPLICARE_HOME> -jar applicare-patch.jar
Example: java -Darcturus_home=E:\Applicare -jar applicare-patch.jar
The modification date of the file <Applicare-Home>/server/webapps/applicare.war should be updated.
Step 6: Start the Applicare server.
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